From Interior Architect To Somatic Sexologist & Empleasurement Coach.

Hello, Let Me Introduce Myself
I’m Sanya, Sanya Alaya, a trauma informed somatic coach for holistic wellbeing and sexuality. I'm 37 years old and residing in the beautiful forests outside of Berlin. After nearly a decade of being on my own healing journey that took me through the pitfalls of severe illness, the depths of my traumas and frankly, across half the globe, I’m so proud to say that today I dedicate my life to helping women empower themselves and experience life from a place of orgasmic pleasure. A place where they can live the full spectrum of their human experience and be breathing, walking, and living in their confidence, radiance and authenticity.
As a believer in the complex and multifaceted nature of humans - especially us women - I’ve learned that there isn’t a one-fits-all solution to our problems and so I bring this approach into my work, blending and unifying techniques from (Neo)Tantra, Shadow Work, Conscious Kink, Tao, Sexological Bodywork, Dearmouring, Parts Work, Inner Child Work, Aspecting, Meditation, Breathwork and Creative Consciousness Coaching®. Add a solid certification as a Sex, Love, and Relationship Coach and you get a powerful combo to truly help women transform their lives for good.
Today, I’m happy and proud to say that I’m living my life in the most embodied, empowered and empleasured way possible for me - with all its ups and downs, with breakthroughs and breakdowns, full of love, wonder, connection and depth.
But what does that even mean - full spectrum, empleasured living? And how did I get here? Well, let me back it up a bit and share how I discovered the “The Empleasurement® Path”, which changed my life forever.
After years of unconsciously living against my nature, being a very quiet and shy child, always a top student, my transition into the teenage years was rather wild. Feeling disgusted by my premature body led me to years of bulimia, self destruction and depression, but when I started studying, I thought I had gotten it all sorted.
Luckily though, my body was wiser than me. At the age of 16 I developed an autoimmune disease of the thyroid and when I started my position as an Interior Architect at the age of 25 in a big office, the pain and issues of my body escalated.
I could hear her screaming, begging me to acknowledge that I didn’t love my job, had self confidence issues, was longing for love and acknowledgement, felt like an alien and not belonging, and still hadn’t digested my turbulent past.
But why would this bother me? After all, I was great at playing strong and independent, covering up my need for real connection, understanding and (self) love.
I ended up with crippling fatigue, digestion issues and overall unbearable body pain in all my muscles, joints and bones. Fibromyalgia they called it. The books would tell me that I’d end up taking morphium at 40.
Realizing that this could be the trajectory of my life, I woke up one morning and knew I had to make a decision. Taking a stand to say NO! THIS is NOT gonna be my life!
In 2014 I did a Yoga- and Meditation Teacher Training in India and although it allowed me to work with the body, the deeper psychological layers that affect our healing journey were missing for me, so I continued seeking. And started my first Coaching Certification in 2015.
In 2016 I left my 9 to 7 office job, gave up my flat, packed a bag and left Germany to explore the world. Sweet to think that my younger self had no idea what would develop from here, and just how much this decision would transform her life and the life of hundreds of other women.
You see, life wasn't always this rosy and pushed me on my path....
A journey across the world to unravel
my Childhood Traumas...
My healing journey took me to India, Thailand, living in Australia, Mexico, Guatemala and Bali. I encountered the world of bodywork, learning from some truly amazing teachers and went deeply into my own meditation and self inquiry practice, helping me develop a deep sense of inner peace and empowerment, which have become the cornerstone for my work.
Experiencing sexual abuse as a child, feeling overwhelmed by being the oldest of three children, helping a lot at home and not having a father who would be there for me, caused emotional traumas in me. I learned to take them seriously. To allow them to come out of that hidden corner where I had pushed them into, to not feel them. No no, I´m fine, I can do it all by myself - was only one of the self sabotaging beliefs I was strongly living by.
You see, as I began to look around in society to the women that were surrounding me, each on their own healing journey, an understanding started to form, that we are all in this boat together! So many women are suffering from sexual abuse traumas, oppression of their sexual nature by rigid societal structures, experiencing detachment from their bodies and an inability to feel their true emotions, the wildness of their spirit, the freedom of their soul.
And I was right there with them. So I knew something needed to change. I understood that my purpose was to heal and transform, so that I could guide other women through their own rebirth, bringing us all back to a state of empowered, orgasmic living.
My traumas may be smaller or bigger than yours, but traumas can not be measured by size! Each and every one, as small or big as it might seem to another person, can be extremely limiting and harmful, holding power over us. Learning how to work with them and how to embrace them to create a life I love has been the biggest steppingstone in my personal story towards happiness so far. Realizing that I am the creator of my thoughts and my reality. That I can literally design my life! Wow! And if I can, you most certainly can too!
It’s from our wounds that our greatest gifts can emerge, but we will never discover these gifts if we don’t acknowledge the wounds first.

Sexuality as the
final key to healing...

Connecting to others through Sexuality was always easier for me than speaking and “doing the normal stuff”. Sexuality was a way for me to feel loved and wanted. I had sex in the ways that men wanted, experienced shallow orgasms and wasn't listening to my own desires until my early twenties. When I finally started to follow and live my own (kinky) fantasies, a new wave of self confidence, self trust and lust for life entered me. Finally I was becoming myself!
And, after a few years of exploration in the kink world, I understood that it was time to slow down and practice really letting love in and get turned on by more subtlety. Shifting myself from a sexuality that was disconnected and superficial, to a sexuality that is creative, empowering and deeply satisfying.
It was when I found the world of (Neo)Tantra and sexpositivity that it all came together for me, and I felt a sense of belonging, finally becoming whole and a full YES for life. No longer was I an alien in my world! It allowed me to look at my life, my traumas, my strengths and my sexuality in an entirely different way, seeing them even as a gift and superpower, and to open myself to a life of Empleasurement!
From InteriorArchitect, to Yoga Teacher & Consciousness Coach, to Empleasurement Coach!
After my travels and inner unraveling, it was time to lay an even more solid ground for the work with my purpose, so I began extending my training to become a certified Sex, Love and relationship Coach (VITA method by Layla Martin). I began to create the next massive shifts in my life, finding new levels of self worth, self confidence and deeper pleasure.
It was time to call in my women.
The ones who were experiencing emotional shutdowns, lack of joy, orgasm blockages, unhealthy attachment styles or weak boundaries and confidence. It was time to collectively rise. One woman at a time, I began to not only introduce them to Embodiment (getting connected to the body and its felt sense) and Empowerment (getting connected to a healthy mindset), but to EMPLEASUREMENT® (both of the first two AND BRINGING IN PLEASURE, EROS AND LIFE FORCE)
Offering my support from a place of lived experience as a woman, helping them open their hearts, yonis, and spirits again to the world, so that they may feel their POWER, PURPOSE AND PLEASURE IN THEIR lives.
If I can help guide women to the place where they become fearlessly authentic, then the entire world benefits from it. The world needs more empowered, confident, radiant, orgasmic, sensual, kinky, wild, free women. The world needs more Empleasurement® !

My Heart Mission is to support you to get beyond your traumas and stuck emotions to finally fully embody your sensuality, radiance and lust for life.

The level of physical and psychic healing I reached so far is stunning and ongoing. At 26 years old I needed painkillers every day to function. And now?...I don’t even remember when it was the last time that I had to take one!
And I know I made all those improvements, because I stopped fighting symptoms and eventually realized that I am made up of many different parts which work together. Because I now allow myself to be all that I am. To feel my emotions, to embrace my flaws, to step up for my wishes, to embrace the sensual and sexual being that I am and to not hide anymore.
To be wild and loud, silent and empathic, sad and angry, joyful and blissed out, sexy and kinky, tantric and sensual. To feel pleasure in all aspects of life, in being alive, and in all the emotions and layers that come with this human experience. By learning to feel pleasure within the chaos and pain, we become free…this is my recipe!
Let me support you to reclaim your power, to feel sensual and sexy as f***, to radiate and feel confident, inspired and alive, to be orgasmic and watch this energy ripple into all the other areas of your prepared for deeper connections, blossoming relationships, a fulfilling purpose and sensual, satisfying sex.

So it was for me and so it will be for You!
What would become possible if you would live your life with confidence and pleasure?