Embrace the Change - 
Create your Future!

Upcoming Events

Eros & Kink - Sensual Surrender & Rope

IKSK - Institut für Körperforschung und sexuelle Kultur, Berlin

22. September 2024

A day to indulge in your fantasies and kinks, meeting your inner world through erotic play amongst women. 

Activate ALL your senses and explore your inner archetypes, the dominant and submissive ones...this time with a focus on ropes as play items. 

All Info here

Touched - Yoni Love and Self Dearmouring

Urban Healing Unit (UHU), Berlin

28. September 2024

I invite you to join me for this extended EMPLEASUREMENT® Workshop, for all people with Pussies / Yonis / Vaginas. Dive into the world of self-discovery through the portal of your yoni, to return to a place of life force energy flowing through you. 

All Info here

Connecting Deeper - Tantra Tag für Paare

UHU Berlin

29. September 2024

Ein Tantra-Tag für Paare, die durch verschiedene Techniken erfahren wollen, wie sie die Intimität, Sinnlichkeit und Kommunikation in ihrer Beziehung wiederbeleben können.

Egal, ob du Tantra-Neuling oder bereits erfahren bist, dieses Event ist für alle geeignet. Lernt euch und euren Partner:in neu kennen!

All Info here

Empleasurement® Bodywork - Level 1

UHU Nest Berlin

11. - 13. October

EMPLEASUREMENT® BODYWORK is a fusion of Tantra Massage, Tantric Bodywork, Sexological Bodywork, Dearmouring and Coaching.

In these 3 days you will practice to give a partial Tantra Massage, to massage the Yoni (outside) and to dearmour three different spots.

All Info Here

Module 1 - Conscious Intimacy Retreat


8 - 15 December 2024

This 8-day immersion in Bali is part of the Temple of Tantric Arts Expansion Into Love program, with a focus on conscious intimacy, sexuality and love for people of all genders and relationship states. Reconnect with your sexual energy as life force and tap into your power.

Sanya will be assisting the facilitators here, as well as offering her Empleasurement® Bodywork Sessions.  

All Info here

Module 2 - Shining Light on Hidden Desires


8 - 15 December 2024

In Module 2 of this 8-day residential program in Bali, you will lean into the hidden aspects of your desires, needs, and passions, connecting deeper with the realm of eroticism in your life. It's going to be spicy and liberating!

Sanya will be Assisting as a Co-Teacher here, as well as offering her 1:1 Empleasurement® Bodywork Sessions.  

All Info here

The Portal - a journey into the New Year


29 December - 3 January 2025

Come on an embodied and ritualistic journey in Bali for the New Year 2025, to enter it with a deepened connection to the Pulse of Life inside of you!

Led by Alexa Mira & Sofie Hendrikx, with guest facilitators Marc Steinberg, Sanya Alaya and Gisele Lievens, this retreat will help you tap into your "bring it on" energy, aligning your human side with your soul's purpose, reconnecting you with your Body, Nature, Eros and Love.

All Info here

Past Events

Connecting Deeper - Tantra

21. Juli 2024


Holy Power - Sex Magick Ritual 

10. Juli 2024


Holy Power - Sex Magie Ritual (E)

10. Juli 2024


Tantra Festival Switzerland

12. - 16.June 2024


Taboo Festival Berlin

6. - 9.June 2024


The Empleasured Woman Retreat 

30.May - 02.June 2024


Empleasurement® Bodywork Lev2 

03. - 05. Mai 2024


Eros & Kink for Women

14. April 2024


Empleasurement® Bodywork - Lev1

05. - 07. April 2024


Yoga Tage 2.0 - Conscious Living

14. - 18. March 2024


Poland Tantra Festival

12. - 17. March 2024


Berührt - Yoni Dearmouring

10. März 2024 


Verbunden - Yoni Ei Ritual

10. März 2024


Empleasurement®  Bodywork-Lev 1

24.- 26. November 2023


Eros & Kink Play Night

10. November 2023


F*CKIN FREE  mit rein&raus

10. - 12. November 2023


Göteborgs Tantra Festival

27. - 29. October 2023


Eros & Kink for Women

30. September 2023


Empleasurement® Bodywork-Lev 1 

11.- 13. August 2023


Voluptas Rising Women's Retreat

20 - 23. June 2023


Sensual Arts Retreat

May 26 - June 3 2023


S. Arts Facilitator Training

8. May - 19. May 2023


Eros & Kink for Women

15. April 2023


Online Deep Dive 1:1 Coaching

There´s no quick fix to any of your topics and deep devotion and comittment are, what is needed to shift and transform. I´m here to help you to come back to more self love, pleasure and radiance!



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“Sex Magic - From Pain To Pleasure”?