Unlock your
Potential - expand your Intimacy, Health & Pleasure!

Online Courses by
Sanya Alaya:

Sex Magie für ein erfülltes Leben
Course Language: German
Entfessele deine kreative Lebensenergie mit S//x-Magie!
In diesem einstündigen Ritual lernst du, deine sexuelle Energie durch Meditation, Intention, Atem und Bewegung zu aktivieren und für die Manifestation deiner Herzenswünsche zu nutzen. Es ist eine kraftvolle Praxis, um Träume zu verwirklichen, deine Frequenz zu erhöhen und deine Visionen in die Realität zu bringen.
Alles geschieht in deinem eigenen Tempo und aus der Privatsphäre deines Zuhauses. Dieser Kurs ist für alle geeignet – entdecke die transformative Kraft, die bereits in dir steckt!
** Dein Geist entwickelt eine Absicht, dein Körper produziert den Treibstoff und der Geist überwacht das Ergebnis.**
- Einführung in das Thema der S//x Magie
- Das Ritual Teil 1 -Intention setzen
- Das Ritual Teil 2 - Geführte & verkörperte S//x Magie Praxis
Und dazu gibts eine extra für dich zusammengestellte Playlist! <3

Introduction to
Trauma Aware Tantric Kink
Course Language: English
With this 2h masterclass you get a practical introduction to Kink, BDSM and Tantra that looks beyond the practice and play for pleasure and joy.
How to create a safe play?
How to be trauma aware?
Is there any potential to heal trauma?
What are the Healing Potentials?
Are there any? And if so...why and how?
Spoiler: there are many! But only if we understand the deeper psychology behind it and know what to do and what to avoid. And only then we can prevent more trauma and instead unlock the healing potential.
- Welcome and a guided Meditation
- Intro and What to expect
- Clarifying Definitions and Words
- What combines Tantra and Kink PLUS Exercise
- Liberation into Authenticity
- "Having is Proof of Wanting" - We are all kinky
- Surrender and Control PLUS Exercise
- The Power of Yes and No
- The Healing Power of Pain in BDSM
- Core Erotic Theme and Reenactment
- Traumaawareness
- Psychological Safety Awareness
- Therapy vs Kink and the therpeutic Effects of Kink
- Flow and Altered States
- Conscious and Tantric Kink & BDSM
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a gift for YOU

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English Online Courses by
other Facilitators:
This is a fine and hand picked selection of powerful and super valuable courses that I personally did or participated in and highly recommend.
Creating Safer Space
by Shelby Leigh

Trauma Awareness for Coaches, Therapists, Healers & Facilitators
I personally learned sooo much in this course!
Learn what to say and do (and what not to say and do) so your clients and students get more from what you give them. As facilitators, how often do we assume that the people coming to us are fine, just because they look that way on the outside?
We can’t know what’s going on inside the people we hold space for. We can’t know their past history and experiences, their trauma and wounds and hurts and triggers. We can’t know the childhood they had, or the experiences in adolescence that taught them they don’t belong.
What would be possible for us as facilitators, and for our students and clients, if the people that come to us feel safe enough to be even more open, to be vulnerable, to get curious with us, to explore and to play, creating experiences that are truly healing?
Imagine the difference we could make.
Click here for ALL courses by the Sensual Arts School or see my two top recommendations:

Tantric Intimacy for Couples
This course if perfect for you if you're struggling in the bedroom with your partner and are feeling disconnected to each other. Whether on the physical, emotional, or spiritual level, intimacy is the key to a healthy partnership and Tantra teaches us how to approach this in a safe and deeply moving way.
The 3-part course will provide you with the basic Tantra teachings and tools to help you connect deeper with your partner and explore your intimacy together, taking your relationship to a new level of evolution.
Are you ready to dive deeper with your partner?

Discover the power of your Sensuality
If you've been feeling disconnected from your body lately and are craving to awaken an embodied experience of life, this course can provide you with immense value.
Through short, daily practices, you will be guided into intimacy with yourself and learn how to listen to the whispers of your body again, while activating your senses and sensuality. This course works with the principles of Tantric Yoga, helping you to develop a meditative awareness of the body and how to experience consciousness through it.
I recommend these practices to anyone struggling with an overactive mind and who wants to ind more pleasure and sensuality in their daily life.
Courses by the
Coaching Academy
This is the academy where I did my first coaching training, which supported me greatly in changing my life for the better - I recommend their courses and retreats HIGHLY!
Click here for ALL courses by the Creative Consciousness®Academy.

Conscious Living 1
Join this 4 day immersion to rediscover your innate creation power and craft a life of passion and purpose!
Release old patterns, embrace the present moment, and ignite your inner creator by learning to create from a place of consciousness.
Created by Marc Steinberg in 1991, this course has thousands of successful graduates, who have overcome their fears and stepped into their power from a place of integrity and authenticity.
Are you ready to create intentionally?

Consciousness Coaching® Coach Training (ICF accredited)
If you are eager to change the world and you feel like the world of coaching is calling you, then this may be a fantastic place to start. The Consciousness Coaching® Program is fully ICF accredited and certifies you to start working right away.
Following the ICF Core Competencies and the Code of Ethics, this training will teach you also self-awareness methods, mindfulness and creation tools, to help your clients become their most empowered self.
Train to BE the coach as well as DO the coaching.
Are you ready to launch your coaching career?

Discover how to integrate your shadows fully and lovingly.
Are you constantly stuck in rage reactions, low self-worth, fear driven behaviours and breakdown cycles that never seem to end? Then you might be resisting or rejecting your shadow...the shameful, repressed parts of you that want to be seen.
In this powerful 8-day retreat on the Greek island of Crete, you'll have the opportunity to dance fully with your shadow, going on an in-depth exploration of your hidden aspects and falling in love with them again.
Are you willing to face your shadow and welcome more freedom into your life?

Discover how to run your Business consciously and successful
If success is a feeling that seems out of reach for you, then this might be the course for you. Together with other new entrepreneurs and business starters, you will journey for 3 days into the secrets behind creating a lifetime of sustainable and conscious success.
From powerful role plays, to live feedback and direct coaching, this course offers you deep insights into the creation of abundance, how to brand and market yourself, how to transform your ideas into sales, and much more.
Are you ready for your Business to take flight?
Your Netflix of Sexual Education!
Bring more *WOW* between the sheets. Discover premium online courses and level-up your love life with “the Netflix of sexual education.”
By subscribing to Beducated you get access to a library of different sexual education courses about topics like genital massage, oral sex, kink, and more.
In addition, the library is constantly updated with new teachings and materials, so you can continue discovering new things.
What Are You Waiting For?
Click here for more info & getting startedGetting Conscious with Kink
by Seani Love

Getting Conscious With Kink - With Seani Love & Me & Team
Are you curious about Conscious Kink and BDSM?
Are you ready to expand your understanding of erotic expression?
Are you ready to expand your understanding of erotic expression?
Then this breathtaking journey into the wonderfully erotic world of Conscious Kink is an amazing starting point!
Use my code PLEASUREALCHEMY and you’ll get 40£ off your ticket price!