A 4 Day Retreat to embody your Orgasmic Potential and Lust for Life
 30. May - 02.June 2024 in the countryside of Berlin

- Movie: Dangerous Beauty
 This powerful quote does not only speak about the ability to give pleasure to others, but first and foremost to YOURSELF.
Giving Pleasure, hence also means RECEIVING Pleasure.
If your own cup ain`t full, you can´t give without draining yourself!
How would a woman, who stands in her pleasure, walk through this world?
How would you walk and talk and speak?
I want to see so many more, in fact ALL women in their full power, standing in their self confidence and radiance. I want all women to be standing in front of a mirror and be unashamedly proud of and in love with themselves!
It is in all of us! It is in you!
And I know, that you want it!

These four days
are for the Woman who hears the calling to be led by Pleasure & say YES to orgasmic living!
The Art of being a Woman -Â Where is your inner radiance that comes from
Turn On & Pleasure?
Some time in your life, your light got dimmed. You had to put it down to protect yourself. Shining and radiating wasn't welcome, your curiosity and emotions were too much, your full expression overwhelming for the people around you.
They were not ready to meet so much aliveness and truth….so you shut down to fit in.Â
Adjusted yourself to be loved.
Then you grew up into a teenager, into an adult, maybe even already into an elderly.
Who are you? Are you living your empowered-woman or is your inner little girl ruling your life?
Where did your full spectrum go? Where did your aliveness and pleasure go?
So many of us are still afraid to live and show it. Afraid we´ll be perceived as “too happy”, braggy, cocky, showing off, arrogant or even cold. Afraid we´ll end up lonely.Â
The strains of our fast paced, high demanding world don't make it any easier to come back into our EMPLEASURED SELF.
You are strong, dedicated, courageous and learned to do it all alone.
Which is a great superpower, yet also made you forget your ancient ability of being a woman.Â
You forgot your beauty, your power and your joy.
You forgot how to truly feel pleasure and be orgasmic.
Deep down, there is this yearning to come back to that part of yourself!
You try so hard to fulfill all the demands of life, that you forgot on your worldly level, that you are beautiful and perfect as you are!
Pretending to be ok, while deep down something is missing, is not only exhausting, but actually living in denial of your own truth and can lead to lethargy, depression or even illness.
You are longing to be relieved from the tension to hold things together.Â
Your life, your family, your work, yourself. And even though you are trying to make everything perfect, you never quite feel that you are there.Â
You never feel quite right. Often not enough or too much.
You yearn to let go of control and soften.
Soften so much that pleasure, orgasm, eros and life force can run through your whole system again.
If you allow yourself to listen to that inner voice, then you know….
Tapping into your full pleasure potential is your greatest wish.
Wanting to feel radiant and alive is your soul's longing.Â
Yet tapping into your full pleasure potential is also your greatest fear.
You are ready to bring yourself home into your own body and being, and live your WHOLENESS.
And you don't have to do it alone.
The times of trying to rescue yourself are over and you deserve to finally learn how to let go and surrender. How to lean into support and trust.Â
To be held, be alive, inspired, radiant and ecstatic.
Let's get you out of that state of freeze and shame, to get you back to utterly embodied self worth and confidence.Â
Finally feel again your LUST FOR LIFE.
Naturally standing up for yourself and your desires.Â
Coming back to orgasmic living, where you can experience pleasure on all levels!
And guess what? Once this energy and potential of yours is reignited it will give others around you permission for their pleasure and attract even more pleasure into your life.
It´s an UPWARD SPIRAL once you dare to enter the stream.
“Radiance comes from a woman knowing and owning the truth, that she is a portal to life”
-Â Mama Geena, Pussy - A Reclamation
A little Teaser -Â
Some Pleasure for your eyes and senses, right here!
Here you can get an impression of the Volupats Rising retreat that I have been running the last two years.Â
THE EMPLEASURED WOMAN will be different of course, but you might feel drawn to the atmosphere, so I want to nevertheless share it with you:

She IS the woman that she admires so much.
She IS the woman that she wants to be.
She enters the room and she is THERE.
She naturally makes an impression and radiates from within.
Her heart, yoni and body leading her way.
Her values are connected to truth, integrity, love and pleasure.
She stands in her femininity.Â
She dances with all spectrums of life.
Soft and fierce.
Gentle and wild.
Orgasm is not just a sexual peak experience for her, but a holistic path.
A path of being alive.Â
A way of living.Â
A path of saying YES to life.
She knows that she wont have better orgasms, just through better techniques, better toys or better lovers.
She knows it´s a force residing within herself.
A dormant force that is ready to be re-awakened.
It is a descent into your own inner world.
A descent to then rise up into your highest potential.
Come down, to come up!
Inspiring takeaways from women of previous retreats:

What is this Retreat about?
The energy of these four days will be carried by curiosity, spaciousness, exploration, permission, pleasure and community between women.Â

Knowing your own pleasure landscape, from the light to the shadow, is one step to more empowerment. A holistic approach including the science of pleasure, ritual, embodiment and tantric practices will get you out of your mind. Befriend your intimate and energy body, your sexual anatomy and pleasure archetype to regain self confidence and power.

To feel more orgasmic in your life and to also experience deeper orgasms in your intimacy, the connection to your felt sense and to FEELING are crucial. There is no good or bad, no right or wrong - everything that we feel can be transmutet into pleasure. Look forward to expanding your pleasure capacity by deeply connecting to your body, yoni and emotions.

From a place of inner trust, self knowledge, self experience and a deep relaxation into your sensual body, your pleasure and life force can flow. Life force brings inspiration, creativity, motivation, radiance and lust for life. Through releasing shame around your pleasure and sexuality you will eventually be able to embody your Empleasured Woman.

All these days are designed to enable you to reclaim your self confidence and your right to shine and be radiant, by being connected to the power of your femininity and yoni, whilst experiencing the support of other women and a tribe. By expanding your YES for life and your orgasmic potential, new pleasure portals and possibilites will open upfor you.
Is this you?
When you look at your life at the moment it feels ok.
Good enough.
But good enough, was never good enough for you. You want more!
No more overstepping your boundaries and not knowing what you want.
No more fear of intensity or the inability to let go and hence not being able to have orgasms.
No more not experiencing real joy and pleasure, cause your self trust and confidence are asleep.Â

You want to finally:
- allow yourself to have all the pleasure that is availableÂ
- remove any cap you have on how much pleasure you can experience
- open up to your full pleasure capacity and be able to hold it
- be able to hold the intensity of all that life has to offer…from anger to orgasm…all of it!
- be so relaxed that eros, life force and pleasure can run freely through your body
- feel self confident no matter how you look or what you wear
- be able to experience deep pleasure with yourself
- be able to experience deep pleasure with a lover
- feel supported and held by yourself, others and life
- feel a sense of belonging in your body and a YES to life
- life your full potential and radiate from within
Heartfelt feedback from women of previous retreats:

What Practices will we be doing?
The Empleasured Woman, is a woman who leads from intuition, she is attuned to her surroundings and the field around her.
I always go with the energy of the group and theres no guaranteed schedule or content <3

- Nervous System Nourishment
- Un-numbing the Body / Felt Sense
- Self Consent & Worship
- Transformation Rituals
- Pleasure Archetypes
- Exploring the 4 Pleasure Realms
- Pleasure Awareness: Turn On´s / Turn Off´s
- Sensual Pleasure MappingÂ
- Yoni Puja
- Yoni Egg Practice
- Energy Body & Orgasm Awakening
- Emotional AlchemyÂ
- Embodied Pleasure Dance
- Pleasure as Prayer
- The Pleasure of Nature & Earth
- Inner Parts Work
The practices offered are from my extensive tool box and the various trainings I`ve done, mostly coming from Tantra & Neo Tantra, VITA Coaching, Consciousness Coaching, Shadow Work, Inner Child & Parts Work, Sexological Bodywork, Yoga, Erotic Dance and various mindfulness teachings.
Where& When:
A beautiful venue outside of Berlin, located in a small village and surrounded by nature and forest in walking distance.Â
Check it out here:Â
Retreat Times:Â
Thur. 30. May - Arrival: 11.00 - 12.00, Opening Circle: 13.00
Sunday 02.June - Closing Circle 15.00, Departure 17.00
Integration Call:
22. June / Fullmoon, via Google Meets

Prices & Booking:
Other Costs:
Full Board with yummie, biological vegetarian food: 160€
Accomodation in double rooms or shared rooms:
all days in total 126€ - 180€ (depending on your choice and availability of accommodation)
Helper Spots:
TWO REDUCED HELPER SPOTSÂ are available - contact me via email if you are interested and please tell me a bit about yourself and previous experience with being a helper!
Helper tasks:Â helping to set up and clean the venue before and after retreat, setting up the room before and after sessions, taking care of the beauty and cleanliness in our session room and at the tea station.

About your guide
Sanya Alaya
Sanya Alaya is a trauma informed somatic coach for holistic wellbeing and sexuality, based in Berlin.Â
She transformed her experience of childhood trauma, autoimmune disease, chronic pain and insecurities into fuel to create more love, consciousness and pleasure in her life and the world around her.
Her own healing pathways were (Neo-)Tantra, Tao, Shadow Work, Conscious Kink, Inner Child Healing, Dearmouring, Part Work, Breathwork and Meditation and are nowadays woven into all her workshops, retreats, trainings, coachings and 1:1 bodywork sessions.
Her heart mission is to support women to get beyond their childhood traumas and embody their sensuality and self expression, love themselves, unravel conditioning and be fully and unapologetically who they truly are.
She stands for: Embodiment. Empowerment. EMPLEASUREMENT®.
She is trained and certified by the Sexological Bodywork Institute, Erotic School of Mysteries, Creative Consciousness Coaching Academy and currently finished her studies with The VITA method by Layla Martin.